Thursday, August 9, 2007

EA and Activision talk smack about rock battle

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Activision and EA traded a few barbs with each other over this fall's Battle of the Brands, pitting upstart Rock Band against stalwart Guitar Hero III, over at GameDaily BIZ. Their arguments are about what you'd expect, with Activision saying that Rock Band isn't accessible enough and EA saying that Rock Band is, in fact, so very accessible that it makes handicap ramps look more like ramparts.

While they're busy towing the company line, we're a little more interested in where you stand on the issue. Will you be venturing into the unknown? Or will you dance with who brought you, so to speak? Will you do both? Or, will you be like us and abandon both in favor of the secret dark horse: I Can Play Guitar.
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[via] Joystiq

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