Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Comic-Con + Video Games = geekery extremis

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I was down in San Diego for the past several days, covering the San Diego Comic-Con 2007 from the movie side for Cinematical, and I couldn't help stumbling through the massive video game booths that continue to grow in size every year. At one point, long ago in the distant past, this convention used to be about comic books, but now it seems to be about anything related to pop culture.

You've got a movie presence from the major studios (seriously, is Good Luck Chuck a geek or comic-book fan's movie?), tons of TV network presence (Heroes and Battlestar Galactica fit in nicely here), and an entire ancillary market of everything from fantasy swords and armor, to fairy costumes, to an outfit called Utilikilts selling kilts with cargo pockets, for those who like to go commando ... and carry a lot of stuff around at the same time.

Then of course, there's the video games. Check out what I was able to see on my tour through the obstacle course and lesson in patience that is the "show floor" from the San Diego Comic-Con. Plus, would this post be complete without a gallery? Look below and bathe in the wonderment.

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[via] Joystiq

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