Filed under: Nintendo DS
- DS Daily: What's in it for you?
How'd you get started with the DS? What keeps you playing? - DS Daily: What games should we write about more?
Because, really, there's only so much even we can say about Contra.
- Promotional Consideration: Having word ability continues to pay
Clearly, women like shoes. Also, the DS. - DS Fanboy Review: The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
It's awful! Except not at all. - 'They don't call me Gina Vasquez for nothing!'
The first in an epic saga. - Spanish for Everyone likely to teach Spanish to no one
The saga continues. - Spanish For Everyone: The Saga Concludes with very little Spanish
And one of the devs says "all the story was intentional." Oh my. - DS Fanboy Review: Fullmetal Alchemist Trading Card Game
Somewhat less awesome than either Phantom Hourglass or a backrub.
- Penny Arcade's Take on Assassin's Creed DS
It would be funny if it weren't likely to be true. - Iwata: We aren't planning a next-gen DS
This one just prints too much money, y'all. - Play-Asia has awesome GBA sale for cheap people
That probably means you. - Japanese gamers really want their DSTV
Really, we kind of do, too. - Ace Attorney 4 coming criminally early
Too soon! Too soon! And yet ....
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