Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Xbox 360 HD DVD getting Euro price cut

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According to eFluxMedia, Microsoft announced a price drop on their HD DVD add-on for the Xbox 360 in the European market. It will drop from €200 to €180 -- which if you want to do the conversion would be around $244, the HD DVD drive retails in the States for $179.

According to reports last month, Blu-ray has been outselling HD DVD formatted discs in the States 2-to-1 in the first half of the '07. Manfred Gerdes, chief of Sony Germany, said to eFluxMedia that PS3 sales have totalled 2 million there, double the number of stand-alone Blu-ray movie players. The bundle of Blu-ray with PS3 is said to have helped create this widening HD DVD vs. Blu-ray gap. At least movie buffs get something out of the deal -- now about those games.

[Via X3F]
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[via] Joystiq

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