Monday, September 17, 2007

Today in Joystiq: September 14, 2007

Apologies for the picture quality, we had to use camera phones. Tonight, a couple Joystiq network staffers spotted what looked to be pretty tall portraits of a Big Daddy from BioShock and Bubble Man from Mega Man 2. The artist is Mike Groves; those who live in the Athens, Georgia area can check out these lovely pieces at the Transmetropolitan. Everyone else can just check out the highlights for today:

Japanese hardware sales, Sept. 3 - Sept. 9: pre-TGS edition
Joystiq interviews Gaia Industries on Street Trace (XBLA)
Joystiq Podcast 017 - GOTY 2008 edition
Today's most mechanical (poultry) video: Robot Chicken does Legend of Zelda

Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights multiplayer demo on Xbox Live
George Harrison officially retires from Nintendo
Halo-themed 360 arrives on Sunday
Nintendo stock price keeps going up
EA's Dead Space unveiled by Game Informer
Universe at War media blowout and Xbox interface calming
TurboGrafx-CD games coming to Wii VC
Thrustmaster's new classic controller lacks wires, point
New Wii gun accessory goes two piece
ESRB shows Eternal Sonata on PS3 ... again
Elite Beat Agents dev working on Xbox 360 project
Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix achievement poll
Silicon Knights makes motion to dismiss Epic counterclaim
The Wii will flow this holiday says Reggie

Rumors & Speculation
Analyst madness: Halo 3 selling three million fast and $399 PS3 at TGS

Culture & Community
Gamer Dad suffers a heart attack, needs help
Why the World Series of Video Games ended
Halo 3 Hype Hoedown satire song
New Jersey parents fret over Wii's 'gun-like' Zapper
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[via] Joystiq

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